the resort


explore the pristine oregon coastline

Whaleshead Beach: 

Whaleshead Beach is walking distance from Whaleshead Resort and Spa and easily accessible from the public parking lot on the beach itself. Small children can play in Whaleshead Creek where it meets the beach or go exploring in the tidal pools for starfish, sea stars, sand dollars, crabs, an occasional octopus and shrimp.

Hiking & Walking: 

Six miles of hiking trails provide great opportunities to see the stunning view of the long curved beach. Whaleshead Beach itself extends 2 miles to the House Rock Creek trail area and provides a great place for a photo of the ocean over the salmonberry bushes before you settle down for lunch on one of the picnic tables near the restroom area.


the spa at whaleshead

Please call (541) 671-8751 with questions or to book an appointment.

More information coming soon... 

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